Christmas in July Worship
We can celebrate the birth of Jesus anytime of year - so why not in the middle of Summer?! All are welcome to join us for worship and to share in the Christmas Spirit as we bring joy to the world.
Wear your Christmas attire and accessories to show your Christmas cheer!
In the spirit of giving, we will be supporting our Annual School Supply Drive by collecting items for our schools. We are collecting cash donations and easy to-go food items (cup o'noodles, Mac & cheese, chef boyardee, granola bars, pop tarts, etc) for a make-shift food pantry in the high school counseling office.
Checks should be made out to “UG Congregational UCC”. In the memo line designate if it is for: "UGES Project", "High School Project", or "Shared equally UGES & UGHS". Place cash donations in an envelope with your name on it. If you would like credit on your giving statement, a store receipt is needed for proof of purchase and amount.
Thank you for your support!