Joining us for the first time?
find out more about what to expect
We know that visiting a church for the first time can feel intimidating. Below you’ll find a list of frequently asked questions. We hope that they dispel some of the mystery of what to expect so that you can feel more comfortable trying us out!
How long is worship? Is it available virtually?
Worship averages about an hour long - sometimes less, sometimes more.
It depends on how much Pastor Kelsey has to say that day!
We currently have in-person and virtual worship available on Sunday mornings. If you’d like to join us virtually via Zoom, please reach out to Pastor Kelsey for the link to attend!
What are your COVID protocols?
We take very seriously Jesus’ commandment to, “Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.” Thus, we are practicing caution and care by wearing masks at all times when indoors. Hand sanitizer is available in multiple places, and extra masks are available if you forget to bring one. We are allowing congregational singing at this time.
Please note that these protocols may change as the situation with the virus changes, and we will update this as those changes take place.
Is there anything for kids?
We encourage children of all ages to begin in worship with their families. Part way through worship, there is a message specifically geared towards young folks. Following that message, children ages 3+ may are invited to attend Sunday school (available Sept - May). Classes are located in the Fellowship Hall area downstairs, below the sanctuary.
What should I wear?
We have no dress code, and believe that God welcomes all of us in whatever attire we wear. We strive to match our attitude with God’s view, following the words of First Peter 3:4: “God doesn’t see as humans see: people look on the outer appearance, but the Lord looks upon the heart.” If you have a hectic morning and barely have time to throw on some shorts and a shirt before coming to church – we will warmly welcome you. If you put a suit and tie, or a dress and heels, we also warmly welcome you.
Where do I park?
Although we do not have a parking lot, there is ample street parking available!
The main entrance to the church is right on the corner of 11th and Vine. There is both a ramped, accessible entrance as well as another entrance with stairs.
During the warmer months, we sometimes worship outside along the side of the building, in the grassy area between the main church and the church office building.
May I take communion?
Yes! We believe Jesus would never turn anyone away, and so neither do we. All are welcome at the Lord’s table.
Children are welcome to partake with the permission of their parent or guardian.
We offer communion on the first Sunday of every month. We offer the option of wine or grape juice, as well as gluten free bread.
What if I have special needs?
We have assisted listening devices available that will work to enhance the sound either with an ear bud or to transmit to someone’s hearing aid. Speak with one of the ushers if you desire this service.
Rest rooms are located either downstairs in Fellowship Hall (a chair lift is available for those who have trouble using stairs), or through the door at the front of the sanctuary in our Memorial Room area.
What about baptism?
We gladly baptize infants, children, youth or adults. Baptisms take place in our regular Sunday morning worship services because it is a communal event.
If you desire to be baptized, please contact our pastor to set a time to meet. We encourage all who wish to be baptized to worship with us at least once prior to the baptism so we can get to know you, and you can get to know us. When someone is baptized in our church, the congregation also makes a promise to offer support and spiritual care to the one baptized. There is no fee for a baptism because it is considered a gift from God.
What does “yoke” mean?
In our United Church of Christ tradition, when two or more churches share a pastor and ministries, they are called, “yoked.” Raymond Community Church, UCC and Union Grove Congregational United Church of Christ have been yoked since 1991. Our two churches share a governing board called a “Yoke Council” made up of representatives of both churches that oversee our shared ministries.
On the first Sunday of June of every year the worship times of each church switches for the next full year, rotating annually the worship time.
Still have questions?
If you have other questions, please feel free to reach out! We are happy to answer any questions you may have!