Who We Are
No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.
Our Mission
As people of faith, we welcome everyone to experience the good news of God's love, joy in Christ, and communion in Spirit as we reach out to our congregation, community, and the world.
At Union Grove Congregational UCC, we seek to bear witness to the good news of God’s love for the world by living into who Christ calls us to be. We do so by practicing Christ’s greatest commandments: to love God and to love one another with all our mind, soul, and strength. As a church, we worship together, pray for one another, and serve the needs of our wider community together. We seek to respect one another’s individual spiritual journeys and pray that you feel welcome in discerning and growing your faith with us.
you are the light of the world
— Matthew 5:14
A Little More About Us
The members and friends of Union Grove Congregational, United Church of Christ are from a variety of backgrounds in faith and experience.
Here, you will find a church made up of singles, couples, widowed, divorced, and families young & old. We come from all walks of life - city dwellers, farmers, republicans, democrats, and everything in between.
While we are all different, it is our commitment to be a part of a family of faith, following the footsteps of Christ, that knits us together. Jesus said he came that they may all be one, and we embody that here.
We have days we believe and days we doubt. Days where the calling feels strong, and days where it feels weak. But every day we listen for God’s still speaking voice, praying that we may be part of the co-creation of God’s Kingdom on earth.
Wherever you find yourself on your journey of faith, know you will find a place here. Many of us come from a variety of faith backgrounds, and some of us never belonged to a church before we found this one.
Our Yoke UCC
In 1992, we joined with Raymond Community Church, United Church of Christ, in a yoked partnership. You can find their website by clicking on the button below.