Adult Faith Formation
Bible Study - Wednesday nights on Zoom from 6-7pm. Email for zoom link.
Check your emails weekly for more Wednesday night bible studies!

Prayer Blanket Mission
Prayer Blanket Mission, 11am-2pm. You are invited to come & join our Prayer Blanket group. Our group meets on the FIRST THURSDAY each month, in our FELLOWSHIP HALL at 11am-2pm. The blankets we prepare are blessed & given to individuals that are in need of physical or emotional healing. There are Blanket Request Forms at the back of the church if you would like a blanket made & given to someone you know. Contact Alice for further information or questions.

Deacons Meeting
Deacons Meetings: the second Wednesday of each month January-November at 4:00pm in the Memorial Room.

Adult Faith Formation
Bible Study - Wednesday nights on Zoom from 6-7pm. Email for zoom link.
Check your emails weekly for more Wednesday night bible studies!

Dr. Who & Society
Dr. Who & Society: This spring will Celebrate Tom Baker by being his entire first season. Jan 10th: Robot. Feb 14: The Ark in Space. Mar 14: The Sontaran Experiment. Apr 11: Genesis of the Daleks. May 9: Revenge of the Cybermen. 6:30-8:30pm. Call Tom with questions.
Questions? Call Tom. Flier attached here and in church.

Palm Sunday
We will continue to have our normal Sunday worship at each church (9am at Union Grove Congr. and 10:45am at Raymond Comm.) on Palm Sunday, Easter, and Holy Humor Sunday which is on April 27th: "Because God had the last laugh when Jesus was resurrected!"

Mission, Outreach & Community Life
Mission, Outreach & Community Life (MOCL): The Outreach Committee meets each month on the 2nd Monday at 4 o'clock in the Memorial Room.

Yoke Council Meeting
Monday, April 14: Yoke Council meeting, 6:30 p.m. at Union Grove Congr.

Adult Faith Formation
Bible Study - Wednesday nights on Zoom from 6-7pm. Email for zoom link.
Check your emails weekly for more Wednesday night bible studies!

Maundy Thursday
On April 17, 2025 the Union Grove Congregational UCC, Yorkville UMC and Raymond Community Church UCC, will gather for a modified Seder (Passover) meal at the Yorkville United Methodist Church at 6p.m. The meal will include the elements of the Seder meal and include an embedded service of remembrance of that Last Passover meal Jesus shared with his disciples. Sign-up sheets are available at each church, with a deadline for reservations of April 10th to allow time for shopping and preparations. Please join us to learn of our faith and its roots in Jewish history.
We will also have Good Friday at Union Grove at 12:10 p.m. We will continue to have our normal Sunday worship at each church (9am at Union Grove Congr. and 10:45am at Raymond Comm.) on Palm Sunday, Easter, and Holy Humor Sunday which is on April 27th: "Because God had the last laugh when Jesus was resurrected!"

Good Friday
Good Friday at Union Grove at 12:10 p.m. We will continue to have our normal Sunday worship at each church (9am at Union Grove Congr. and 10:45am at Raymond Comm.) on Palm Sunday, Easter, and Holy Humor Sunday which is on April 27th: "Because God had the last laugh when Jesus was resurrected!"

We will continue to have our normal Sunday worship at each church (9am at Union Grove Congr. and 10:45am at Raymond Comm.) on Palm Sunday, Easter, and Holy Humor Sunday which is on April 27th: "Because God had the last laugh when Jesus was resurrected!"

Community Meal
Community Meal at UGUCC, 5-6:30pm. We have community meal on the fourth Tuesday of the month, excluding December and summer months. Carryouts after 6pm. Our dates this season will be Apr 22nd & May 27th.

Adult Faith Formation
Bible Study - Wednesday nights on Zoom from 6-7pm. Email for zoom link.
Check your emails weekly for more Wednesday night bible studies!

Holy Humor Sunday
We will continue to have our normal Sunday worship at each church (9am at Union Grove Congr. and 10:45am at Raymond Comm.) on Palm Sunday, Easter, and Holy Humor Sunday which is on April 27th: "Because God had the last laugh when Jesus was resurrected!"

Adult Faith Formation
Bible Study - Wednesday nights on Zoom from 6-7pm. Email for zoom link.
Check your emails weekly for more Wednesday night bible studies!

Prayer Blanket Mission
Prayer Blanket Mission, 11am-2pm. You are invited to come & join our Prayer Blanket group. Our group meets on the FIRST THURSDAY each month, in our FELLOWSHIP HALL at 11am-2pm. The blankets we prepare are blessed & given to individuals that are in need of physical or emotional healing. There are Blanket Request Forms at the back of the church if you would like a blanket made & given to someone you know. Contact Alice for further information or questions.

Dr. Who & Society
Dr. Who & Society: This spring will Celebrate Tom Baker by being his entire first season. Jan 10th: Robot. Feb 14: The Ark in Space. Mar 14: The Sontaran Experiment. Apr 11: Genesis of the Daleks. May 9: Revenge of the Cybermen. 6:30-8:30pm. Call Tom with questions.
Questions? Call Tom. Flier attached here and in church.

Fellowship Brunch
Fellowship Brunch: The men’s brunch will be on Mother’s Day, May 11th. Stay tuned for more info.

Mission, Outreach & Community Life
Mission, Outreach & Community Life (MOCL): The Outreach Committee meets each month on the 2nd Monday at 4 o'clock in the Memorial Room.

Deacons Meeting
Deacons Meetings: the second Wednesday of each month January-November at 4:00pm in the Memorial Room.

Community Meal
Community Meal at UGUCC, 5-6:30pm. We have community meal on the fourth Tuesday of the month, excluding December and summer months. Carryouts after 6pm. Our dates this season will be May 27th.

Mission, Outreach & Community Life
Mission, Outreach & Community Life (MOCL): The Outreach Committee meets each month on the 2nd Monday at 4 o'clock in the Memorial Room.

Deacons Meeting
Deacons Meetings: the second Wednesday of each month January-November at 4:00pm in the Memorial Room.

Deacons Meeting
Deacons Meetings: the second Wednesday of each month January-November at 4:00pm in the Memorial Room.

Mission, Outreach & Community Life
Mission, Outreach & Community Life (MOCL): The Outreach Committee meets each month on the 2nd Monday at 4 o'clock in the Memorial Room.

Mission, Outreach & Community Life
Mission, Outreach & Community Life (MOCL): The Outreach Committee meets each month on the 2nd Monday at 4 o'clock in the Memorial Room.

Deacons Meeting
Deacons Meetings: the second Wednesday of each month January-November at 4:00pm in the Memorial Room.

Mission, Outreach & Community Life
Mission, Outreach & Community Life (MOCL): The Outreach Committee meets each month on the 2nd Monday at 4 o'clock in the Memorial Room.

Deacons Meeting
Deacons Meetings: the second Wednesday of each month January-November at 4:00pm in the Memorial Room.

Deacons Meeting
Deacons Meetings: the second Wednesday of each month January-November at 4:00pm in the Memorial Room.

Mission, Outreach & Community Life
Mission, Outreach & Community Life (MOCL): The Outreach Committee meets each month on the 2nd Monday at 4 o'clock in the Memorial Room.

Mission, Outreach & Community Life
Mission, Outreach & Community Life (MOCL): The Outreach Committee meets each month on the 2nd Monday at 4 o'clock in the Memorial Room.

Deacons Meeting
Deacons Meetings: the second Wednesday of each month January-November at 4:00pm in the Memorial Room.

Deacons Meeting
Deacons Meetings: the second Wednesday of each month January-November at 4:00pm in the Memorial Room. No Dec meeting. New year first one is 1/14/2026.

Adult Faith Formation
Bible Study - Wednesday nights on Zoom from 6-7pm
Email Chrissy at ugcrcc@gmail.com to join the email list to get the Zoom link.
Check your emails weekly for more Wednesday night bible studies!

Chair Exercise Class @ UGC
Arlene will be leading our Chair Exercise Class this Wednesday at 11:00am at UG. There will be stairs as it will be in the basement. Funds for this class will go towards our 97-year-old Organ Refurbishment project. Join us! All are welcome - Men, women, anyone wanting to learn chair exercise over 18 years old. $10 for 5 weeks!

Community Meal
Community Meal at UGUCC, 5-6:30pm. We have community meal on the fourth Tuesday of the month, excluding December and summer months. Carryouts after 6pm. Our dates this season will be Mar 25th, Apr 22nd & May 27th.

In Person Bible Study @ UG Memorial Room
Bible Study Zoom: Bible Study will resume on Wed. evenings from 6 to 7 p.m.
In-Person Bible Study on March 24: On-Site Bible study is at Union Grove at 6pm, in addition to the Zoom Bible Study being led by Gordon Treloar on Wednesdays at 6pm.

Adult Faith Formation
Bible Study - Wednesday nights on Zoom from 6-7pm
Email Chrissy at ugcrcc@gmail.com to join the email list to get the Zoom link.
Check your emails weekly for more Wednesday night bible studies!

Chair Exercise Class @ UGC
Arlene will be leading our Chair Exercise Class this Wednesday at 11:00am at UG. There will be stairs as it will be in the basement. Funds for this class will go towards our 97-year-old Organ Refurbishment project. Join us! All are welcome - Men, women, anyone wanting to learn chair exercise over 18 years old. $10 for 5 weeks!

Fellowship Brunch
Fellowship Brunches: March 16th after church Alice will be preparing the meal. Bernie & Betty are sponsors. The men’s brunch will be on Mother’s Day, May 11th. Stay tuned for more info.

Dr. Who & Society
Dr. Who & Society: This spring will Celebrate Tom Baker by being his entire first season. Jan 10th: Robot. Feb 14: The Ark in Space. Mar 14: The Sontaran Experiment. Apr 11: Genesis of the Daleks. May 9: Revenge of the Cybermen. 6:30-8:30pm. Call Tom with questions.
Questions? Call Tom. Flier attached here and in church.

Adult Faith Formation
Bible Study - Wednesday nights on Zoom from 6-7pm
Email Chrissy at ugcrcc@gmail.com to join the email list to get the Zoom link.
Check your emails weekly for more Wednesday night bible studies!

Deacons Meeting
Deacons Meetings: the second Wednesday of each month January-November at 4:00pm in the Memorial Room.

Music and Worship Meeting
MARCH 12TH: Music and Worship meeting 2 PM in the Sunday school building

Chair Exercise Class @ UGC
Arlene will be leading our Chair Exercise Class this Wednesday at 11:00am at UG. There will be stairs as it will be in the basement. Funds for this class will go towards our 97-year-old Organ Refurbishment project. Join us! All are welcome - Men, women, anyone wanting to learn chair exercise over 18 years old. $10 for 5 weeks!

In Person Bible Study @ UG Memorial Room
Bible Study Zoom: Bible Study will resume on Wed. evenings from 6 to 7 p.m.
In-Person Bible Study on March 10, March 24: On-Site Bible study is at Union Grove at 6pm, in addition to the Zoom Bible Study being led by Gordon Treloar on Wednesdays at 6pm.

Mission, Outreach & Community Life
Mission, Outreach & Community Life (MOCL): The Outreach Committee meets each month on the 2nd Monday at 4 o'clock in the Memorial Room.

Prayer Blanket Mission
Prayer Blanket Mission, 11am-2pm. You are invited to come & join our Prayer Blanket group. Our group meets on the FIRST THURSDAY each month, in our FELLOWSHIP HALL at 11am-2pm. The blankets we prepare are blessed & given to individuals that are in need of physical or emotional healing. There are Blanket Request Forms at the back of the church if you would like a blanket made & given to someone you know. Contact Alice for further information or questions.

Ash Wednesday Service
Ash Wednesday is 5:30 at Union Grove and 7:00 at Raymond, with the imposition of ashes. On April 17, 2025 the Union Grove Congregational UCC, Yorkville UMC and Raymond Community Church UCC, will gather for a modified Seder (Passover) meal at the Yorkville United Methodist Church at 6p.m. The meal will include the elements of the Seder meal and include an embedded service of remembrance of that Last Passover meal Jesus shared with his disciples. Sign-up sheets are available at each church, with a deadline for reservations of April 10th to allow time for shopping and preparations. Please join us to learn of our faith and its roots in Jewish history. We will also have Good Friday at Union Grove at 12:10 p.m. We will continue to have our normal Sunday worship at each church (9am at Union Grove Congr. and 10:45am at Raymond Comm.) on Palm Sunday, Easter, and Holy Humor Sunday which is on April 27th: "Because God had the last laugh when Jesus was resurrected!"

Chair Exercise Class @ UGC
Arlene will be leading our Chair Exercise Class this Wednesday at 11:00am at UG. There will be stairs as it will be in the basement. Funds for this class will go towards our 97-year-old Organ Refurbishment project. Join us! All are welcome - Men, women, anyone wanting to learn chair exercise over 18 years old. $10 for 5 weeks!

Adult Faith Formation
Bible Study - Wednesday nights on Zoom from 6-7pm
Email Chrissy at ugcrcc@gmail.com to join the email list to get the Zoom link.
Check your emails weekly for more Wednesday night bible studies!

Chair Exercise Class @ UGC
Arlene will be leading our Chair Exercise Class this Wednesday at 11:00am at UG. There will be stairs as it will be in the basement. Funds for this class will go towards our 97-year-old Organ Refurbishment project. Join us! All are welcome - Men, women, anyone wanting to learn chair exercise over 18 years old. $10 for 5 weeks!

Community Meal
Community Meal at UGUCC, 5-6:30pm. We have community meal on the fourth Tuesday of the month, excluding December and summer months. Carryouts after 6pm. Our dates this season will be Feb 25th, Mar 25th, Apr 22nd & May 27th.

In Person Bible Study @ UG Memorial Room
Bible Study Zoom: Bible Study will resume on Wed. evenings from 6 to 7 p.m.
In-Person Bible Study on Feb 24, March 10, March 24: On-Site Bible study is at Union Grove at 6pm, in addition to the Zoom Bible Study being led by Gordon Treloar on Wednesdays at 6pm.

Turkey Dinner @ Eastern Star
February 25th: Union Grove Eastern Star Annual Turkey Dinner, 11am - 1:30pm. Contact George for more info or find the flyer in church and the weekly emails.

Adult Faith Formation
Bible Study - Wednesday nights on Zoom from 6-7pm
Email Chrissy at ugcrcc@gmail.com to join the email list to get the Zoom link.
Check your emails weekly for more Wednesday night bible studies!

History Seekers of UG Meeting
February 18th at 5:30pm with potluck: You are invited, on February 18th to attend the Annual Meeting & potluck dinner of the History Seekers UG Area, that will be held here at our church. Our church Historians will share the church's rich history & Sharon our organist, will entertain us at our newly renovated 97-year-old pipe organ. History Seekers will provide fried chicken & beverages & guests are asked to bring a dish to pass. Doors open at 5 o'clock, dinner starts at 5:30 pm. Further information can be found in church on the green slips of paper in church.

Dr. Who & Society
Dr. Who & Society: This spring will Celebrate Tom Baker by being his entire first season. Jan 10th: Robot. Feb 14: The Ark in Space. Mar 14: The Sontaran Experiment. Apr 11: Genesis of the Daleks. May 9: Revenge of the Cybermen. 6:30-8:30pm. Call Tom with questions.
Questions? Call Tom. Flier attached here and in church.

Adult Faith Formation
Bible Study - Wednesday nights on Zoom from 6-7pm
Email Chrissy at ugcrcc@gmail.com to join the email list to get the Zoom link.
Check your emails weekly for more Wednesday night bible studies!

In Person Bible Study @ UG Memorial Room
Bible Study Zoom: Bible Study will resume on Wed. evenings from 6 to 7 p.m.
In-Person Bible Study on Feb 10, Feb 24, March 10, March 24: On-Site Bible study is at Union Grove at 6pm, in addition to the Zoom Bible Study being led by Gordon Treloar on Wednesdays at 6 pm.

Mission, Outreach & Community Life
Mission, Outreach & Community Life (MOCL): The Outreach Committee meets each month on the 2nd Monday at 4 o'clock in the Memorial Room. Starting with February.

Prayer Blanket Mission
Prayer Blanket Mission, 11am-2pm. You are invited to come & join our Prayer Blanket group. Our group meets on the FIRST THURSDAY each month, in our FELLOWSHIP HALL at 11am-2pm. The blankets we prepare are blessed & given to individuals that are in need of physical or emotional healing. There are Blanket Request Forms at the back of the church if you would like a blanket made & given to someone you know. Contact Alice for further information or questions.

Adult Faith Formation
Bible Study - Wednesday nights on Zoom from 6-7pm
Email Chrissy at ugcrcc@gmail.com to join the email list to get the Zoom link.
Check your emails weekly for more Wednesday night bible studies!