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Maundy Thursday

On April 17, 2025 the Union Grove Congregational UCC, Yorkville UMC and Raymond Community Church UCC, will gather for a modified Seder (Passover) meal at the Yorkville United Methodist Church at 6p.m. The meal will include the elements of the Seder meal and include an embedded service of remembrance of that Last Passover meal Jesus shared with his disciples. Sign-up sheets are available at each church, with a deadline for reservations of April 10th to allow time for shopping and preparations. Please join us to learn of our faith and its roots in Jewish history.

We will also have Good Friday at Union Grove at 12:10 p.m. We will continue to have our normal Sunday worship at each church (9am at Union Grove Congr. and 10:45am at Raymond Comm.) on Palm Sunday, Easter, and Holy Humor Sunday which is on April 27th: "Because God had the last laugh when Jesus was resurrected!"

April 16

Adult Faith Formation

April 18

Good Friday